
Annonce des Prix par le jury de cette 1ère édition : ICI

D’une valeur de 3500€, doté par la Région Bruxelles-Capitale

Here for Life by Andrea Luka Zimmerman & Adrian Jackson :

With no boundaries between reality and fiction, the film acts as a parallel universe existing in the margins of our societies, where fractions of pain, joy, misery, hope, bitterness, alienation, compassion and love all find a home to exist within. We circle around the collective space of the city and navigates between endless, sometimes aimless assignments of everyday life and survival. In constant resistance to society norms, individualism and capitalism, the film proves an outstanding collective cinematic achievement. With its contagious rhythm, enthusiastic approach and generous love, the jury has decided to give the Feature Film Award to Here for Life by Andrea Luka Zimmerman & Adrian Jackson.

D’une valeur de 1500€

L’indien de Guy Môquet by Joséphine Drouin Viallard

With its honest approach, generous openness and beautiful simplicity, the film questions the way we look at strangers and apparent strange things. It makes us look closer at what surrounds us with a sense of curiosity and wonder. The filmmaker carefully transforms the world in front us. We see what she sees. We observe, analyse and discover alongside with her a poetic investigation of the notion of the ’stranger’. For its sensitive, humorous and poetic gestures as a film as both an artistic and political tool to view the world, the jury has decided to give the Short and Medium Film Award to L’indien de Guy Môquet by Joséphine Drouin Viallard


This means more by Nicolas Gourault

The film works as an investigation that goes beyond the incident and the subject. The formal aspects and content are complementary and interwoven to create a series of complex layers that allow us to explore relations between technology, powers of control, working-class, sports industry, and much more. For its playful and in-depth examination of the Hillsborough disaster and its political and cultural aftermath, the jury has decided to give a Special Mention to the film This means more by Nicolas Gourault.

D’une valeur de 1500€, doté par Cinéma en ateliers (AAAPA)

Nous la mangerons, c’est la moindre des choses by Elsa Maury

The film is a rare and pure observation of human relation to nature beyond ideologies and idealism. With the camera brutally up close, we move between a rough and direct document of a worker in a constant, emotional battle and a poetic afterthought questioning necessary choices of life, survival and death. For its beautiful and harsh portrait of the sheep and the shepherd as protagonists and their complex relation, the jury has decided to give the Belgian Film Award to Nous la mangerons c’est la moindre des choses by Elsa Maury.

D’une valeur de 750€, avec le soutien de Monsieur Christos Doulkeridis, Bourgmestre, de Monsieur Ken Ndiaye, Echevin de la Culture et des membres du Collège des Bourgmestre et Echevins de la Commune d’Ixelles

Overseas de Sung-a Yoon
